Rural Education in China
How do rural-urban divides in education impact a country’s economic development?
How do rural-urban divides in education impact a country’s economic development?
To search for resources on a specific topic, select the search term shown in the right hand column of this page. Or, fill in the Search box with your search expression. This right hand column for specifying searches will appear … Continued
Mr. Dube gives a update of U.S.-China Relations, mostly in the area of trade.
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Speaker Mr. Wei-Tai Kwok Summary *TBD* You are invited to use the Comment area below to contribute a summary/review of this video. Keywords Publish Date July 28, 2016 Source Presentation given at 1990 Institute Teachers Workshop on “China’s Place in a … Continued
Resources from 1990 Institute Teachers Workshops Lesson Plans Lectures and Talks Books
This post is used to test the DISQUS commenting/discussion function only. It serves no other purpose. (1) add a comment by a logged in user (my admin login) Got message that says “Teacher’s Workshop requires you to verify your email … Continued
List All Resources List 1990 Institute Teachers Workshop lectures
San Franisco, CA — San Francisco State University (SFSU) College of Extended Learning has formally certified the 1990 Institute’s CHINA NOW For Teachers Workshop as a contract credit course. Thus, attendees of this Workshop can now receive professional development credits. … Continued