Welcome to our new teachers.1990institute.org website!
As you can tell, this website was just born and can barely stand up. Many of the pages are still under construction, as we were just too busy getting our August 3-4 Teachers Workshop going and could not pay much attention to getting the website launched also.
However, the ultimate goal for this website is to build up a rich repository of sources on modern China, so as to enable you, the teachers, and other interested parties, to fill in the knowledge gap of our next generation of leaders, as well as the general public, on what China is all about today.
We also want this to be a community website where you, the users, can also contribute content.
So, in the next few months we will be rolling out the following content:
- Videos taped from the 2015 Teachers Workshop. (Videos of past workshops are already here.)
- Winning lesson plans from our Lesson Plan Contest, plus additional lesson plans that people are willing to share.
- Links to, or saved in our repository, articles from periodicals, books, videos, TV programs, etc. recommended by our China experts, as well as from people like you.
Yes, this is a joint effort, we rely much on you to help make this website useful for teachers, students, and the general public.
Thank you for your interest.
The China Now for Teachers Team
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